Middle School Classes: IV to VIII

For classes I through X, the Sri Kumaran Public School follows the curriculum established by the Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). It is tailored to each class's learning abilities and needs. We incorporate the most recent teaching methods, prevalent educational trends, and educational requirements into our curriculum. Our curriculum seeks to provide our students with a broad-based, well-rounded education. This not only prepares students to meet the standards required for future studies, but it also helps them grow into confident individuals.

Subjects are modified as the students grow to address the requirements of each class. The curriculum in Classes IV and V is slightly altered, and the number of subjects increases from five to six.

In Class VI, the curriculum broadens and becomes more detailed and extensive. Our medium of teaching, English, is divided into two parts: English I (Language) and English II (Literature). English I seeks to develop students' communication skills. English II introduces pupils to various forms of literature and assists them in learning the subject more effectively. Science branches out and becomes three different subjects:  Physics, chemistry, and biology. Social Studies is divided into two subjects: History and Civics, and Geography. From Class IV, Computers is also introduced. The goal is to help students better comprehend the fundamentals of these subjects.

Our students learn a variety of languages in middle school. Our medium of instruction is English, which is compulsory for all classes from I through X. Kannada is compulsory from Class I onwards the National Education Plan's emphasis on the language. Students in Classes II and III can learn Hindi as Language II. Class IV also offers Sanskrit and French as third languages.

Students in Classes VII and VIII are required by the CISCE to learn a third language. Kannada is not compulsory for these classes. After Class VII, students can choose to drop the third language and choose an elective subject.

An overview of the subjects and languages taught:

Classes IV, V, VI and VIII (from 2024-25)

Languages taught

  • Language II : Kannada 
  • Language III (from class V to class VIII): Hindi / Sanskrit / French
Teaching Methodology

Our teaching methods are student centric and cater to the need of various kinds of learners in the same class such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners. We aim to enhance keys skills like independent intellectual thinking, coordination in teams, leadership qualities, creative expression, time management, out of the box thinking, public speaking, expression of ideas, among other essential skills, as the students enter middle school.

Making learning fun helps students of all ages. We employ different methods like theme based learning, projects (individuals and groups), surveys, field trips, experiments, model making to studying enjoyable for students. Students are required to complete projects in each subject. The marks from this are added to the marks of the written exams. This gives the student a fair opportunity to perform well overall.

Homework is an essential part of identifying if a student has successfully understood concepts taught in the classroom. The school follows a homework schedule for the middle school where homework for only two subjects are allotted each day. We don’t believe in overburdening the students at home.

We assess and get feedback through homework as it provides an assessment of the student’s progress in class. We modify our teaching methods based on the requirement of the students.

Instead of focusing only on examinations, we assess students' grasp and retention of concepts all year round. Regular tests, exams, and projects are used to evaluate each student's progress. Formal assessment in the form of tests and examinations begins in Class IV.

For Classes IV and V, assessments are carried out through worksheets, exams and tests. Only 40 marks are allotted to exams and 25 marks for tests.

From Class VI onwards, our students are introduced to the convention of question papers and answer sheets. In Classes VI and VII, the maximum marks for examinations are 60, and the maximum scores for tests are 25, with the remaining marks going toward projects.

The ICSE pattern of question paper is used to train students beginning in Class VIII. During the academic year, three tests and two exams are conducted. Promotion to the next class is based on constant evaluation of their performance in all tests and exams administered throughout the year.

The weightage is as follows:

  • 10% from each of the three Unit Tests
  • 20% from the First Term Exam
  • 50% from Annual Exam

Students are promoted to the next class based on their cumulative performance in the above-mentioned tests and exams. A 40 percent (aggregate) score qualifies a student for promotion. According to school policy, a minimum of 35% in each subject in the annual examination is required for promotion.

Internal Assessment

Internal Assessment in the form of project work has been introduced as an integral part of the curriculum by the ICSE. The evaluation is based on multiple criteria, with the goal of measuring not only a student's writing ability, but also other abilities such as understanding, imagination, creativity, presentation skills, speaking skills, inter-personal and intra-personal skills.

The primary goals of the Internal Assessment are as follows:

  • Integrating the process of teaching and evaluation.
  • Testing intrinsic skills and analytical ability of students that cannot be replaced by a written examination.
  • Improving a teacher's role as a facilitator and making learning an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
  • Recognising individual distinctions and enable both teacher and student to participate in interactive sessions to improve prospective application and organising skills.

Report writing, discussions, debates, role play, interviews, case studies, analyses, demonstrations, and assignments are all part of the project work. Project topics are announced ahead of time. Students must gather information/pictures/materials pertaining to the subject. This should be put together with the help and supervision of the concerned teacher. Students must submit their work in class by the predetermined deadline.

The constant evolution of innovative assessments contributes to a more meaningful and complete teaching-learning process and evaluation.


Our library is a treasure trove of knowledge and information for both students and teachers. It has a diverse book collection that includes fiction, physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, languages, physical education, philosophy, education, psychology, and religion. Furthermore, our library has a collection of media other than books. It provides access to maps, prints, documents, and works of art stored on various media. While students use the library for leisure and academic reading, teachers use it for relevant and accurate information from journals, newspapers, and books.

The library serves as a focal point for all school activities and events. Every year, students and teachers look forward to 'World Reading Day.' Primary students get to experience story reading by the librarian.  'Never Ending Stories,' a puzzle-solving and story-completion game, is an exercise for primary school students that expands their vocabulary, phonetic skills, and increases their capacity for sentence formulation and creative talents. Book fairs are held at the school to broaden the students' literary horizons. These book fairs expose pupils to literature from all around the world and assist them in selecting age-appropriate selections.

Life Skills

It is critical for children to acquire life skills in order to develop all aspects of their personalities. It is a set of abilities acquired through teaching or life experiences that are used to solve problems and answer questions encountered in everyday human existence. As a consequence, it is critical that we include life skills education in our curriculum. Life skills education teaches students about a wide range of topics, including social norms, ethics, values, culture, tradition, spirituality and religion, and feelings about oneself and others. The principles are instilled in the youngsters through stories that connect to their lives and encourage them to take positive steps to improve their behaviours. Aside from formal education, our school focuses on emotional development, allowing students to develop holistically. This gives the children the ability to understand themselves and reach their greatest potential.

School Cinema

We work with School Cinema, a film-based learning module combined with a fun and interesting film workbook, to teach children in Classes IV and V life skills and value education. School Cinema is a novel concept that uses a language and medium that children are familiar with to gently and indirectly impact their minds and actions on a variety of topics. The topics span environmental awareness to nationalism, as well as personal matters such as hygiene and body awareness.

It seeks to teach young minds in school to make healthy decisions for themselves as young adults while also instilling values and a fundamental sense of what is wrong and right. School Cinema is also India's largest producer of children's short films. It has earned recognition for its award-winning children's films. They have received about six national film awards and eleven international awards.

EQUBE Programme

Life skills are the adaptive and positive habits that enable children to deal well with life's demands and challenges. Today's fast-paced existence and nuclear families have made it even more important to integrate life skills and value education in the curriculum. For this, we have collaborated with Arpitha Associates for the EQUBE life skills education programme for Classes VI to VIII. Classes are held once a week, and students are evaluated twice a year on their programme insights and learnings.

The primary goal of this project experience is to put the EQUBE learning on personal vision and values into action. It also seeks to determine whether children are learning and progressing toward becoming self-sufficient individuals with greater clarity and purpose in dealing with life. The curriculum concludes by allowing students in class X to participate in a Social Action Project (SAP) of their choice and present their conclusions. On project completion, each student receives an EQUBE and SAP completion certificate.

Math Lab

Students can explore mathematical concepts outside of the classroom in our fully equipped Math Lab. This optimises the learning experience and results. Hands-on activities provided to students in the form of a math lab manual integrate and correlate conceptual mathematics. Weekly math lab activities for students in Classes IV through VIII help them analyse mathematical topics. The materials at the math lab, such as 3D models and geoboards, benefit both students and teachers. Learning through objects apart from books helps students retain their attention and remain engaged.

We also use the adaptive-learning programme Mindspark to help students in Classes IV and V learn Mathematics. Mindspark's technology assists children in learning mathematical concepts that are tailored to their specific needs. Overall, students gain conceptual clarity, procedural fluency, and extensive practice at their own speed. This is through personalised modules based on the course plan of the academic year. Mindspark also gives teachers visibility, insights, and tools to help them enhance learning levels in their classrooms. Every week, students participate in 80-minute Mindspark sessions. They are rewarded with sparkies, badges, and appreciation stickers.

Science Education

In science, practical learning is just as vital as theoretical learning. Students can use this to observe and understand concepts that they have read about in class. The Sri Kumaran Public School features well-equipped Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Laboratories that science teachers use extensively to enhance teaching. Teachers bring the equipment to the classroom and conduct and demonstrate experiments for Classes IV to VIII. As an alternative to traditional classroom learning, students are occasionally taken to labs. This is to familiarise them with the various apparatus and equipment in use. The teachers demonstrate simple experiments.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

In today's world, information and communication technology has become a necessity. Being acquainted with technology and keeping up with the current trends and technological changes is a basic necessity for any future career or job that a student chooses to pursue. As a consequence, ICT is part of our curriculum to prepare our students for all things related to technology and to adapt to technological advancement. The curriculum assists students in becoming competent and confident in developing the necessary abilities for cooperative and collaborative learning. They learn how to use information and communication technology to complete work, communicate, and facilitate activities. It assists in the development of critical and analytical thinking skills for practical solutions, as well as creative problem-solving abilities.

Students in Class VIII are also taught the fundamentals of programming. The goal of the ICT curriculum is to give pupils the opportunity to go beyond their curriculum and explore the world of information and technology. To enhance their expertise, we encourage students to participate in IT themed quizzes by TCS and other inter-school activities. Our yearly IT fair also provides students with the opportunity to learn while also showcasing their work.

Global Awareness Programme (GAP)

Giri 'Pickbrain' Balasubramaniam created the Global Awareness Programme. Greycaps, India's largest on-stage quizzing and knowledge service provider, was founded by him. It aims to raise the awareness of students about world affairs and improve their quizzing skills on themes ranging from current events, politics, history, culture, science and technology, to sports, art, and entertainment.

The programme is part of the curriculum for students of Classes IV to VII. Discussion and questioning make the weekly classes highly engaging. Every month, students are handed a Gap book - the Gaptopedia (various levels for different classes). They are also given various materials to learn about the world's changing events. Teachers are also given instructional resources to help them achieve the program's goals. An annual Gap Quiz for both the Senior and Junior levels is usually held in the month of January.

Detailed Assessment (DA)

Detailed Assessment is a futuristic assessment tool that provides custom assessment programmes based on the school curriculum and provides immediate feedback on individual student performance. This gives teachers more information about each student's progress. It also informs teachers about the areas on which they must focus and the typical misconceptions held by students.

At the Sri Kumaran Public School, we have partnered with Educational Initiatives to provide DA for Class VIII students in subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science.

Hobby Classes

Students' lives are brightened by their hobbies. It allows them to utilise their creative energies and engage their imagination. While these are talents that can be beneficial at any stage of life, they can also be learned purely for pleasure. In keeping with its aim of holistic student development, the Sri Kumaran Public School introduced a dedicated Hobby Club programme for Classes VI to VIII. The primary aim of the programme is to give students the opportunity to pursue their interests under the guidance and direction of dedicated professionals in each field. The Hobby Club offers a variety of enriching opportunities that help students broaden their perspectives.

Each year, approximately 25 classes are held. Every year, the school requires students to choose a different activity to train them in more than one skill. Quiz, theatre, dance, karate, ship building, aero modelling, cooking, DIY basic electronics, Reap Benefit, and Zumba are among the classes offered by the Hobby Club. These classes also provide students with a break from the routine of academic learning. The annual Hobby Club Day offers a platform for the students to demonstrate the talents they hone that year.

Newspaper in Education

For the Newspaper in Education Programme, we have partnered with The Hindu (NIE). The media organisation provides a special edition with content written with the goal of increasing the student community's knowledge. The NIE, for Class VII students, tries to instil in young children the habit of reading newspapers. This eight-page edition has a combination of news, information, opinions, and interesting facts. It educates pupils about current events, literature, science, sports, and the environment. The teachers also utilise the newspaper to augment their teaching.

External Examinations

External examinations are a method of assessing students' knowledge and skills outside of the school. They get to compete against students from other schools, which gives them a sense of the competitive environments they might encounter in the future. Students of the Sri Kumaran Public School have been participating in various external examinations for over a decade.

These Olympiads help to strengthen children's intellects, and participation in these exams helps to fine-tune their application capabilities. Participation also aids in the acquisition of knowledge in the fields of Math and Science. Participants are ranked according to the marks they have scored. As a result of taking the test, students can evaluate themselves academically at three levels: school, state, and national.

The International Assessments for Indian Schools, National Mathematic Talent Contests, National Talent Search Exam, ASSET, and KISA are some of the examinations our students have taken. Sri Kumaran Public School is pleased that several of our students performed remarkably well in these exams.

Prep My Skills

Our school believes in holistic development of the students. With this vision in mind and as per the mandate of the NEP and CISCE guidelines, we are happy to introduce online program on Financial Literacy. Students assimilate course knowledge at their own pace through the use of age-appropriate online modules, which are followed by an assessment.

These online lessons are accessible for students in Classes VI through VIII and cover a variety of topics such as the history of banking, the purpose of PAN and Aadhar cards, and the value of saving, understanding credit and debit cards, taxes, inflation, and banking instruments.



Our students have the opportunity to explore their abilities and talents outside of the classroom through a number of sporting activities. Playing sports encourages children to stay active and fit. However, the advantages of playing a sport extend far beyond physical fitness. Sports instils various important characteristics that students will need to live a wholesome life. These qualities include self-assurance, timeliness, discipline, responsibility, accountability, and sacrifice. In addition, children learn teamwork and how to cope with failure.

Our students can participate in a range of sporting activities at Sri Kumaran Public School, which are supervised by trained individuals. While regular sports classes are held during school hours, members of the school's sports teams also receive training after school.

Here’s an overview of the sports activities during school hours:

  • Volleyball - Primary boys and girls and High school boys and girls
  • Basketball - Primary boys and girls and High school boys and girls
  • Throwball - Primary girls and High school girls
  • Football - Primary and High School boys
  • Indoor Sports - Chess, carrom board and table tennis are also played regularly by all students.

After School Sports

Students from Classes V through X who demonstrate promise in a particular sport are selected for school teams. Outside of school hours, they are given the opportunity to hone their sporting talents.

After-school sports training comprises the following:

  • Volleyball - Primary boys and girls and High school boys and girls
  • Basketball - Primary boys and girls and High school boys and girls
  • Throwball - Primary girls and High school girls
  • Football - Primary and High School boys

Aside from these, students in classes V through X are offered the opportunity to participate in sports activities of their choice after school. Some examples of paid sporting activities are:

  • Swimming
  • Lawn-tennis
  • Cricket
  • Football
  • Table-tennis


The Sri Kumaran Public School features a swimming pool on campus, making it convenient for students to take swimming lessons. Swimming classes are held during and after school hours, under the supervision of trainers, lifeguards, and teachers. We take every efforts to ensure the safety of youngsters. Swimming is a weekly requirement for Class IV students. Students who are interested can take classes from expert coaches after school. Members of the school swimming team also undertake after-school training.


For good reason, the ancient discipline of yoga has become a buzzword. Yoga benefits the body and mind in a variety of ways, as has been shown by a growing number of scientific studies. Today's hectic lifestyles of students, packed with school, homework, and extracurricular activities, make it even more crucial for them to discover serenity and tranquilly through yoga. Yoga has been shown to increase physical flexibility, improve focus and concentration, manage the emotions, and help in behavioural issues and overall well-being. We provide yoga and meditation classes to our students so that they can benefit from the discipline. Keeping this in mind, we hold weekly yoga classes to students in Classes IV to VII. Every other day, our students practise pranayama and meditation during the morning assembly.


Literary Fest

We give numerous opportunities for our students to put their skills and talents learned in class to use. One of them is Kalakumbh, an annual literary festival. It allows students to demonstrate their abilities through individual and group activities. Students in Classes IV to VII compete in different co-curricular competitions at the Junior Kalakumbh.

Some of the competitions held during the literary festival include quiz, art & craft, light music, dancing, pick and speak, declamation, and creative writing. Individual and group activities allow students to showcase their abilities while also instilling in them the important values of healthy competition and teamwork. Prizes and certificates are presented to the winners to recognise their achievements.

Special Assemblies

To commemorate significant dates in the calendar, special assemblies are organised in our school. This raises the knowledge about those days among students through speeches, presentations, skits, and music. Teachers prepare students to deliver speeches that convey the significance of each day. Days such as World Environment Day, Kannada Rajyotsava, Hindi Diwas, and Vishva-Samskrita-Dinam are observed. The Kannada Rajyotsava programme is held in Kannada, whereas the Hindi Diwas programme is held in Hindi. Students learn about the crucial aspects of environmental protection on World Environment Day to raise awareness among peers.  Some of the topics covered by students include conservation of nature, saving water, making compost, using eco-friendly idols for religious festivals, and minimal use of crackers among other things. This creates a space for the students to learn more about special days and interesting topics as part of their academic learning.

School Day

This event is held once every two years where students can show off their abilities and skills not only to their teachers and peers, but also to their families. Parents and grandparents attend the event, which is usually held in November, to watch the youngsters perform. The plays, dance dramas, musicals, songs, and instrumental music performed each year are all centered on a theme. Students look forward to this event because it allows them to dress up and perform on stage. Teachers make sure that every child has the opportunity to participate and overcome their fears of public speaking or performing. School Annual Day festivities are the best means to present our culture to students from an academic standpoint.

Bulletin Boards

The bulletin board provides a bird's eye view of the school's 'happenings.' They're employed to spark the interest of students and raise their awareness. The walls of the school are covered in colourful bulletin boards that are kept up by teachers and different school houses. These bulletin boards offer information on a variety of themes, including current affairs, significant events, and key dates. They also serve as a platform to showcase the artistic abilities of house members. This is yet another activity that complements the learning of the students along with academics.

Cover Page

Every year, students in Classes IV to X compete in a theme-based drawing competition to choose the finest drawing for the cover page of the school magazine, Gnanamanthanam. Students are encouraged to submit their drawings and sketches, with the best of them being printed on the covers of drawing books, notebooks, school diaries, and teachers' diaries. These diaries and notebooks are used by students and teachers in the coming academic year.

School Magazine

Our school magazine, Gnanamanthanam, allows students to delve beyond traditional schoolwork, broadening their perspective on the world. Our goal has always been to scale, soar, and surpass in every way possible. In that spirit, students are encouraged to submit articles and artwork on any topic that interests them. The entire process of publishing the magazine is designed, organised, and carried out entirely by students who are members SEEK — Students Editorial Entity of Kumaran-editorial board.

School Band

Our school band is an integral part of our Sports Day when they perform. The music played by the band accompanies the march past event each year. Students of Class VI are part of the school band. The bandmaster trains students to play different instruments and tunes. 


Awareness Programmes

At the Sri Kumaran Public School, we believe that awareness is the key to sustainable living — reducing waste, and learning to conserve and recycle. We create this awareness among our students from a very early age, and they continue to learn new aspects as they grow. Through the observance of special days like World Environment Day and speeches during assemblies, children learn more about how to protect the environment. Students prepare presentations and speeches with the help of teachers to create awareness among peers. Some of the topics covered include waste segregation and management, water conservation and using environment-friendly materials during religious festivals.

Waste Segregation

Students are encouraged to throw their garbage in the designated coloured bins to maintain the habit of waste separation. Plastic, paper, and food trash are collected in red, blue, and green bins in the corridors.  We've also worked with SAHAAS-Zero, a waste management firm that assists us with e-waste disposal. A collecting can for e-waste is located near the computer lab.

Reap Benefit

We work with Reap Benefit, a non-profit organisation, to create awareness among our students about environmental and civic issues. Students of Class VII and VIII who are interested can participate in this programme as part of their Hobby Class.

Reap Benefit seeks to identify problems in local communities and conceptualise and implement ways to tackle these issues with the help of technology and the mobilisation of the local community. Seminars on subjects like recycling and food insecurity are conducted online for the benefit of our students. As part of this programme, we have carried out research on how much water the school uses and how much can be saved. DIY aerators have been installed for this purpose. Our students are also working on a prototype for a spittoon to address the problem of spitting on the roads of Bangalore.

Exploratory Learning

Outward bound Programmes

We seek to expand our students’ outlook on life and the world through our outward-bound trips. These trips give the children memories and life experiences that they will cherish. Students from Classes I to X can go on these trips and they are optional. They involve various exciting activities like trekking, mountaineering, camping and water sports. We maintain all levels of safety and security during these trips. 

Field Trips

Field trips allow students to connect what they learn in the classroom to the real world. Our school organises excursions for students of Classes IV to X. They allow students to interact with one another and their teachers outside of the classroom while also expanding their academic understanding of certain topics. These educational trips take students to historic sites, beautiful spots, and locations where they can commune with nature. Students in Classes IV through VIII are usually taken to nearby theme parks.

Beyond the Classroom


Students can utilise their talents and imagination in art lessons to create unique pieces./ Children's growth and development have been shown to be benefited by art. Visual arts helo them develop new skills and express themselves freely. Art and Craft has been made a compulsory subject for all pupils in order to instil in them an appreciation for the arts. During these classes, the children are able to create what they like using a variety of materials. This improves their focus, memory, and creativity.

Drawing, painting, collage-making, and pottery can enable children to interact with nature and our cultural history while also improving their talents. Various competitions, such as collage, hand painting, puppet making, mask making, and poster making, are held and judged as part of co-curricular activities. The cover page of notebooks and the school magazine are designed by students of Classes VIII and IX.

Students interested in Art & Craft are encouraged to work with various materials during Hobby Classes, and the finished products are subsequently displayed for an exhibition at the end of the academic year.


Research has shown that pottery is good for mental health. It sparks creativity and spontaneity, while also providing an outlet for self-expression. Pottery continues to be part of our curriculum in Classes IV and V. Students show great excitement working and playing with soft clay during these classes. Pottery is also said to improve hand-eye coordination and the mental and emotional development of children.


Learning music not only brings joy to the lives of students but also improves their language skills. It is known to lower stress levels, increase focus and enhance brain development. The Sri Kumaran Public School has collaborated with the Subramaniam Academy of Performing Arts, (SaPa) for music lessons for Classes IV and V once a week. The ‘SaPa in Schools’ programme is tailored especially for the learning abilities of school students. It is activity-based music education and appreciation created after extensive research by experts in the field. Songs and activities are tied to specific learning goals and outcomes while still being enjoyable.

Social Service

Service Wing

Acts of social service provide our students with a sense of purpose, belonging, and duty while also teaching empathy, gratitude, teamwork, and cooperation. The school's service wing seeks to provide opportunities for community service to our students in this spirit. The school's service wing aims to instil a sense of responsibility in the students. Students from Classes VII and VIII, who are interested, can participate in various activities planned by teachers. As part of the programme, students visit non-profit organisations to conduct activities.

Our students interact with children from neighbouring government schools as part of the Service wing. They produce programmes for children based on socially relevant issues. The students also collect old clothes, storybooks, toys, and stationery to give to children in orphanages. These activities teach our students to be responsible citizens from a young age, give back to society and help out those in need.

Seva Day

Seva Day is held on October 1st in the memory of our beloved former director Smt Meenakshi Balakrishnan. Fondly addressed as ‘Mother’, Seva Day is her death anniversary. Mother was conscious of the need for social services. Her motto was ‘Service to man is service to God,’ and wanted to inculcate this virtue in all the students who walked the halls of the Sri Kumaran Public School. To continue her noble thought and legacy the students of the school participate in acts of service on Seva Day. Students clean their classrooms on their own and student representatives serve food to all the support staff of the school. Our students also collect newspapers and magazines from their own homes and neighbourhoods. These are then sent to an NGO that collaborates with ITC to recycle them and turn them into notebooks. The notebooks are donated to underprivileged children.

These activities teach the children to be humble and respect the work done by the underprivileged.



Exhibitions provide students with the opportunity to put what they've learned in class into practice. Our pupils are looking forward to working on the display. Once every two years, exhibitions are held for Classes IV to VIII. Each exhibition has a theme that all subjects and departments must follow when putting on their displays. With the guidance of their teachers, students develop models, charts, interactive games, and experiments.

IT Fair

While students learn about technology as part of the curriculum, the IT fair conducted in our schools gives our students the platform to put their learning into practical use. Technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives and learning about it is an added advantage for our students in the careers they may pursue. Students of Classes IV to VIII actively participate in the IT fair that is conducted in our school. It provides students with a multitude of possibilities to put their IT and computer skills to the test while also encouraging them to ideate and innovate.

They work on projects using software like MS PowerPoint, Scratch, MS Excel and HTML. These projects on upcoming technologies are showcased during the fair through presentations. Students also undertake web development projects on topics like Drones, IT personalities, and saving rivers that require them to code web pages, and explore HTML tags and attributes. Students create and exhibit interactive stories, animations and games by using Scratch and PowerPoint. In the past, students have demonstrated models based on networking concepts, cyber security, QR code scans, smart home systems, and biometric scans.

Sports Day

The annual sports day is an event where our students can showcase their sporting skills and spirit. Highlights of the day include march past, a performance by the school band, drills, and displays by primary and middle school students, and an inter-house athletic competition. The athletic competition includes several sporting events that students can participate in. Cricket, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and table tennis events are held a day ahead of the Sports Day and the winning teams are presented their trophies on the Sports Day.

Hobby Day

Hobby Day is the culmination of the Hobby Classes that students undertake throughout the school year. It is typically held on the third Saturday of February when parents are invited to attend and students demonstrate the talents they have developed over the course of the year.

Sadhanam: Sri Kumaran Public School Resource Centre

Sadhanam, a resource room for children with special needs, was founded in 1985 by Smt. Meenakshi Balakrishnan in partnership with Spastics Society director Rukmini Krishnaswamy. Through this service, all of the Sri Kumaran Group of Institutions' schools assist students with special learning requirements. The resource room is a learning environment staffed by special education teachers who have been trained to work with students who have learning disabilities. The following are some of the learning difficulties that are addressed in the resource room:

  • Oral and written expression
  • Reading
  • Spelling
  • Math concepts
  • Reading comprehension
  • Listening skills
  • Copying from blackboard
  • Handwriting
  • Attention

Based on teacher feedback and an informal screening by the resource room's special educators, learning challenges in one or more of the above-mentioned areas are included in the resource room. The screening results are reviewed with the parents, and approval is obtained for inclusion in the resource room.

How does the resource room function?

The Individualized Educational Programme is used to accommodate the students' individual learning needs. The parents are kept informed, and the student’s progress is reassessed at regular intervals.

Teachers in the resource room have created customised academic and co-curricular programmes to help children improve their skills. Students in Class I, for example, participate in a unique reading programme designed to develop their reading ability and encourage a regular reading habit. We have observed a track record of success with this programme. The children spend their leisure period in the day’s timetable practicing yoga, painting, reading in the library, learning pottery, music, or chanting shlokas. This allows the students to grow holistically. The special educators also collaborate closely with mainstream teachers and parents to review the child's development and assess whether the assistance provided is beneficial in their growth.

Special assistance is provided to students depending on their specific requirements and the discretion of special education teachers. The assistance is given in the form of reading out questions during exams or tests, as well as evaluating their attention spans and capacity to complete a task. The resource room operates on the inclusion principle and continues to support each child throughout their schooling. If necessary, the school will refer parents to independent professionals to support their children.


Counselling services are provided by a competent and certified psychological counsellor at the Sri Kumaran Public School. The school counsellor's role is to enhance students' emotional well-being, providing individual and group counselling to students as well as creating and facilitating student-centric activities and interventions for holistic development. Counselling provides students with a safe, confidential environment in which to voice their issues without fear of being criticised. Having an empathic individual in a therapist to feel heard, understood, and think aloud with helps one through the healing process and provides the much-needed clarity to overcome one's concerns. It promotes self-exploration and self-understanding and equips pupils with the necessary coping skills to deal with issues.

Parent-Teacher Meetings

A parent-teacher meeting allows teachers to speak with parents about the areas in which their child excels and to give them with specific suggestions for enhancing their child's academic performance. It allows both teachers and parents to communicate regarding schoolwork as well as the child's social behaviour. These meetings connect the school to the home, and the feedback helps the child's development. Parent-teacher meetings are held at regular intervals during the academic year at Sri Kumaran Public School to discuss the child's progress. Parents can also make prior appointments to meet with teachers on working Saturdays and other school days. Aside from meetings, teachers at our school keep parents informed through written and oral communication regularly. A fruitful and healthy parent-teacher relationship benefits not only each student, but also the institution as a whole.